A downloadable adventure

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The Possum is a short murder-mystery adventure for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. It is most suitable for a party of 2-4 Level 4 characters, and can be played in a single session about 4 hours in length. This project contains the full written adventure document (51 pages in length) and a downloadable map image for the lone building it takes place in.

The adventure contained within the document is centered around its namesake monster, the Possum, a beast of my own creation that has been posted elsewhere on the internet. It is highly recommended that the players have no knowledge of the Possum going in. For the best experience, play together in a room with curtains drawn and wind howling outside. Chills, corpses and paranoia await.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Possum Module.pdf 6.9 MB
Smiling Heifer Inn V3.png 4.4 MB

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